University of Oxford
11a Mansfield Rd
This is our ICCS thesis and report archive. For peer-reviewed publications, please see researchers’ individual profiles.
Year: 2024
Publication title: Assessing the local drivers of shark and ray meat consumption in Sri Lanka.
Year: 2024
Publication title: How can fisheries operations contribute to the global nature positive goal?
Year: 2024
Publication title: Using novel approaches to better characterise wildlife supply chains: a case study of the saiga antelope
Year: 2024
Publication title: The Triple Challenge in UK Offshore Wind Farms: a Multistakeholder Approach Through Key Informant Interviews
Year: 2023
Publication title: The Triple Challenge in UK Offshore Wind Farms: Executive Summary
Year: 2023
Publication title: Bushmeat Harvesting, Trade, and Consumption Dynamics in Northern Ghana.
Year: 2022
Publication title: Towards improved understanding and management of parasite transmission in the rangelands of Asia.
Year: 2022
Publication title: Understanding neglected connections between nature, conservation, and mental health.
Year: 2022
Publication title: The role of agricultural management practices in driving biodiversity loss in global coffee systems.
Year: 2022
Publication title: Assessing the performance of DEFRA’s Biodiversity Metric.
Year: 2022
Publication title: Benefitting Human Wellbeing Through Biodiversity Net Gain Action.
Year: 2022
Publication title: Saving nature or nation in the Kachin Hills: an ethnography of encounters.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Tackling Small-Scale Fisheries Non-Compliance.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Shark and Ray Conservation.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Sunken worlds: Social and ecological dimensions of human-made reefs.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Seeing beyond the smoke: smallholder farming in Papua New Guinea in a changing world.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Exploring the role and effectiveness of celebrities in illegal wildlife product demand reduction campaigns.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Illegal Jaguar Trade in Latin America: An Evidence-Based Approach to Support Conservation Actions.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Livelihood interventions in conservation: Expectations and reality around protected areas in Cameroon.
Year: 2021
Publication title: The reliability and conservation value of ranger-collected data on elephant poaching.
Year: 2021
Publication title: An evidence-based behavioural intervention on saiga horn as a traditional medicine in Singapore.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Improving environmental interventions by understanding social networks.
Year: 2021
Publication title: Mitigating marine megafauna captures in fisheries.
Year: 2020
Publication title: Integrating local knowledge into wildlife population monitoring.
Year: 2020
Publication title: Social marketing and conservation. In book: Conservation Research, Policy and Practice
Year: 2020
Publication title: Win-win? Balancing people’s uses of nature with biodiversity No Net Loss.
Year: 2019
Publication title: Effective design and use of indicators for marine conservation.
Year: 2019
Year: 2019
Publication title: Delivering biodiversity net gain for infrastructure development through stakeholder engagement.
Year: 2019
Publication title: Darwin Final Report: Achieving No Net Loss for communities and biodiversity in Uganda
Year: 2019
Publication title: A Biological Feasibility Assessment for the Translocation of Pine Martens (Martes martes) to Cumbria.
Year: 2019
Publication title: The Role of Social Factors in Complex Decision-Making Processes.
Year: 2018
Publication title: No Net Loss for Biodiversity and Communities in Uganda Year Two Report on Project Workshops March 2018
Year: 2018
Publication title: Natural Capital approaches and Social ‘No Net Loss’ for development in Uganda workshop: Workshop Minutes
Year: 2018
Publication title: No Net Loss Presentation
Year: 2018
Publication title: No Net Loss Guidelines
Year: 2018
Publication title: NNL presentation: Victoria Griffiths
Year: 2018
Publication title: Natural Capital presentation: Julia Baker
Year: 2018
Publication title: Stakeholder and Institutional Analysis
Year: 2018
Publication title: Determinants of spatial patterns of human activity in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Year: 2018
Publication title: Unintended feedbacks: implications and applications for conservation.
Year: 2017
Publication title: Communities Count: exploring the role of participatory monitoring in conservation and development initiatives.
Year: 2017
Publication title: No Net Loss for Biodiversity and Communities in Uganda: Year One Project Meeting Report April 2017
Year: 2017
Publication title: Evaluating the Impact of the 2017 Conservation Optimism Summit and the Broader Implications of Conservation Optimism
Year: 2017
Publication title: Seeing the people for the trees: Impacts of conservation on human well-being in Northern Cambodia.
Year: 2016
Publication title: Conservation payments in data-poor, developing-world fisheries.
Year: 2016
Publication title: Hidden Depths: Human costs of enforcement and compliance in no-take marine protected areas.
Year: 2016
Publication title: No Net Loss for Biodiversity and Communities in Uganda: Inception Workshop Report
Year: 2016
Publication title: A framework for evaluating the impact of the IUCN Red List
Year: 2016
Publication title: Using the case of illegal manta ray trade in Indonesia to evaluate the impact of wildlife trade policy
Year: 2016
Year: 2016
Year: 2015
Publication title: An Assessment of Pollen Nectar Margins in Cambridge
Year: 2015
Publication title: The dynamics of a bushmeat hunting system under social, economic and environmental change.
Year: 2014
Publication title: Navigating the complexities of Community Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (CMRV).
Year: 2014
Publication title: Making friends with benefits: an investigation into the use of incentives for the conservation of forest commons.
Year: 2014
Publication title: Biodiversity offsets for moving conservation targets.
Year: 2014
Publication title: Understanding fleet behaviour to reduce uncertainty in tuna fisheries management.
Year: 2014
Publication title: Monitoring conservation threats, interventions and impacts on wildlife in a Cambodian tropical forest.
Year: 2013
Publication title: Managing social-ecological systems under uncertainty: implications for conservation.
Year: 2013
Publication title: Spoilt for choice? Linking individual fishing behaviour with fleet dynamics.
Year: 2013
Publication title: Measuring the effectiveness of incentives. Can experimental games really be the answer?
Year: 2013
Publication title: Measuring the effectiveness of incentives: Can experimental games really give us the answer?
Year: 2013
Publication title: A rapid assessment of the status and distribution of Loxodonta cyclotis in South East Cameroon
Year: 2013
Publication title: Ecology and management of range edge populations: the case of toothfish species at the South Sandwich Islands.
Year: 2012
Publication title: Small scale human-primate behavioural interactions in Amazonian Ecuador.
Year: 2012
Publication title: The role of Tibetan Buddhism in environmental conservation under changing socio-economic conditions in China.
Year: 2012
Publication title: Understanding fishers’ spatial behaviour to estimate social costs in local conservation planning.
Year: 2012
Publication title: Exploring Seafood Sector Evaluation of Ecosystem Services to Guide Investment in Fisheries Rebuilding.
Year: 2012
Publication title: Stakeholder perspectives on ecosystem-based management of marine fisheries: A basis for improved seafood sustainability?
Year: 2011
Publication title: Oil and gas development in Uzbekistan: vegetation responses to disturbances on the Ustyurt plateau.
Year: 2011
Publication title: Uncertainty in models for decision making in conservation.
Year: 2011
Publication title: The effect of multiple uncertainties on the performance of bioeconomic models for fishery management.
Year: 2010
Publication title: Understanding Rule Breaking Behaviour in Conservation.
Year: 2010
Publication title: The implications of local views and institutions for the outcomes of community-based conservation.
Year: 2010
Publication title: Economic Values, Distributional Impacts and Conservation Outcomes for Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas.
Year: 2009
Publication title: The role of education as a tool for environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Year: 2009
Publication title: Conservation Value of the North Pennines.
Year: 2009
Publication title: Assessing a threat to sustainable NTFP harvest using Ecological Data and Traditional Knowledge.
Year: 2009
Publication title: Evaluating dependence on wildlife products in rural Equatorial Guinea.
Year: 2009
Publication title: The interaction between demography and harvesting in red grouse.
Year: 2008
Publication title: The Conservation Ecology of the Saiga Antelope
Year: 2008
Publication title: Stakeholder responses to climate change in the Swiss Alps.
Year: 2008
Publication title: Bushmeat hunting in Gabon: Socio-economics and hunter behaviour.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Bushmeat catch per unit effort in space and time: a monitoring tool for bushmeat hunting.
Year: 2007
Year: 2007
Publication title: An investigation into the conservation impact of research published in the scientific literature.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Determining correlates of human-elephant conflict reports within fringe villages of Kaziranga National Park, Assam.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Land use patterns, resource use conflict and community-based conservation in Northern Tanzania.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Attitudinal values towards sacred groves, Southwest Sichuan, China: Implications for conservation.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Shifting baseline syndrome: An investigation.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation.
Year: 2007
Publication title: Direct consumptive use valuation of ecosystem goods and services in the Bale Mountains Eco-region, Ethiopia.
Year: 2007
Publication title: A multi-species spatially explicit bioeconomic model of a marine reserve.
Year: 2007
Year: 2006
Publication title: The sustainability of livelihood dynamics in a rural coastal community in Sri Lanka.
Year: 2006
Publication title: A PVA for wolves in Norway under different management regimes.
Year: 2006
Publication title: The impact of conservation policy on attitudes towards the environment: A case study on Hainan Island, China.
Year: 2006
Publication title: Meeting the climate challenge? An analysis of coral reef conservation systems in Kenya and Tanzania.
Year: 2006
Publication title: Modelling the biases in aerial survey techniques of the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) in Kazakhstan.
Year: 2006
Publication title: An evaluation of wildlife monitoring and anti-poaching activities.
Year: 2005
Publication title: Livelihoods in an artisanal fishing community and the effect of ecotourism.
Year: 2005
Publication title: Public attitude toward mammal reintroductions: a Highland case study.
Year: 2005
Publication title: A spatial analysis of the drivers of livelihood and land use change in Maasailand, Tanzania.
Year: 2005
Publication title: Spatial bioeconomics of subsistence hunting.
Year: 2004
Year: 2004
Publication title: Parasites of saiga antelopes and domestic livestock in Kazakhstan.
Year: 2003
Publication title: Quantification of the Trade in Shark Fins.
Year: 2003
Publication title: Feasibility study for defining an adaptive methodology to assess the poaching threat to tigers in Protected Areas.
Year: 2003
Publication title: The importance of hunting for bushmeat to a rural community in Equatorial Guinea.
Year: 2002
Publication title: Development policy for Langkawi: The environmental and economic implications of encouraging tourism.
Year: 2002
Publication title: Infectious diseases of saiga antelopes and domestic livestock in Kazakhstan.
Year: 2001
Publication title: Pastoralism and land degradation in Kazakhstan.
Year: 2000
Publication title: Reducing Agriculture’s Environmental Impacts Through Diverse Producers
Publication title: Introducing the Good Practice Principles
Publication title: Offsets project information flyer
Publication title: NNL for people and biodiversity principles
Publication title: Nature Uganda Industrial Brief
Publication title: International Industrial Brief
Publication title: U-PCLG Policy Brief
Publication title: Social aspects of Biodiversity No Net Loss
Publication title: NNL for People & Biodiversity: NEMA Training
Publication title: NNL for Biodiversity & People Check List
Publication title: NNL for People & Biodiversity Training Report
Publication title: NNL Uganda: ethics and data management.
Publication title: Natural Capital in Practice Slides
Publication title: Natural Capital in Practice Minutes
Publication title: Natural Capital webinar attendees
Publication title: NNL Biodiversity Assessment Report