University of Oxford
11a Mansfield Rd
Our Vision
The Oxford Nature Positive Hub brings together leading researchers from across the University of Oxford, and close collaborators from other organisations. We are united by a common theme: working towards understanding and quantifying the drivers of biodiversity loss, identifying opportunities for impact mitigation and nature gains, and investigating policy mechanisms and actions that might underpin pathways towards Nature Positive outcomes overall.
Through strong collaboration with partners in government, business, research institutes and international NGOs, we aim to deliver research that can provide the technical underpinnings necessary to catalyse a step change towards a genuinely Nature Positive world. Given the will and the tools, a Nature Positive future is entirely feasible.
Our Approach
Delivering a Nature Positive future will require transformative action across society. However, there is currently limited evidence on how to operationalize this mission at different scales and in different sectors and contexts. Broadly our current research falls into the following areas:
Defining and driving Nature Positive action – for example, using the Mitigation and Conservation Hierarchy
Regulatory, financial, and policy frameworks
Sustainable organisations and value chains
Measuring and scaling outcomes
Empowering all actors and promoting action
Read more on the dedicated Oxford Nature Positive Hub website.