University of Oxford
11a Mansfield Rd
Mike Clark
Mike joined the Centre on Population Approaches for Non-Communicable Disease Prevention in August 2018, and is working on expanding the Centre's food system model to incorporate biodiversity and economic outcomes in collaboration with the Wellcome funded projected "Livestock, Environment and People", as well as with researchers from other departments across Oxford and international collaborators. Mike is also working on the Operationalising Guidance for the Treasury Green Book programme.
Mike holds a PhD in Natural Resources Science and Management from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, and studied biology and ecology at undergraduate level.
Brief CV
2018-Current: Researcher and James Martin Fellow – Oxford
2014-2018: PhD Candidate: University of Minnesota
2012-2014: Junior Researcher – University of Minnesota
Published Papers
19. Booth, H. M Clark, E.J. Milner-Gulland, K Amponsah-Mensah, AP Antunes, S Brittain, LC Castilho, JV Campos-Silva, P de Araujo Lima Constantino, Y Li, L Mandoloma, LM Nneji, DM Iponga, B Moyo, J McNamara, OS Rakotaparivo, J Shi, CTK Tagne, J van Velden, DR Williams. Investigating the risks of removing wild meat from global food systems. Current Biology. 31, 1788–1797 (2021).
18. Herrero M, P K Thornton, D Mason-D’Croz, J Palmer, B Bodirsky, P Pradhan, C Barrett, T Benton, A Hall, I Pikaar, J Bogard, G Bonnett, B Bryan, B Campbell, S Christensen, M Clark, J Fanzo, C Godde, A Jarvis, A Loboguerrero, A Mathys, L McIntyre, R Naylor, R Nelson, M Obersteiner, A Parodi, A Popp, K Ricketts, P Smith, H Valin, S Vermeulen, J Vervoort, M van Wijk, H van Zanten, P West, S Wood, J Rockström. Articulating the impact of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals. 2020. Lancet Planetary Health.
17. Williams D*, Clark M*, Buchanan G, Ficetola F, Rondinini C, Tilman D. Proactive conservation to prevent habitat losses to agricultural expansion. 2020. Nature Sustainability. *Author order decided by flip of a coin.
16. Clark M, J Macdiarmid, A Jones, J Ranganathan, M Herrero, J Fanzo. The role of healthy diets in creating environmentally sustainable food systems. 2020. Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
15. Clark M, N Domingo, K Colgan, S Thakrar, D Tilman, J Lynch, I Azevedo, J Hill. Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5C and 2C climate change targets. (2020). Science.
14. Kehoe L, T.N.P.d. Reis, P Meyfroidt, S Bager, R Seppelt, T Kuemmerle, E Berenguer, M Clark, K.F. Davis, E.K.H.J.z. Ermgassen, K.N. Farrell, C Friis, H Haberl, T Kastner, K.L. Murtough, U.M. Persson, A Romero-Muñoz, C O’Connell, V.V. Schäfer, M Virah-Sawmy, Y.l.P.d. Waroux, J Kiesecker. Inclusion, transparency, and enforcement: how the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement fails the sustainability test. (2020). One Earth.
13. Springmann M, L Spajic, M Clark, J Poore, A Herforth, P Webb, M Rayner, P Scarborough. The healthiness and sustainability of national and global food based dietary guidelines: modelling study. (2020). BMJ.
12. Herrero M, P.K. Thornton, D Mason-D’Croz, J Palmer, T.G. Benton, B.L. Bodirsky, J Bogard, A Hall, B Lee, K Nyborg, P Pradhan, G Bonnett, B.A. Bryan, B.M. Campbell, S Christensen, M Clark, M Cook, I.J.M. de Boer, C Downs, Kanar Dizyee, C Folberth, C Godde, J Gerber, M Grundy, P Havlik, A Jarvis, R King, A.M. Loboguerrero, M.A. Lopes, C.L. McIntyre, R Naylor, J Navarra, M Obersteiner, A Parodi, M.B. Peoples, I Pikaar, A Popp, J Rockström, M Robertson, P Smith, E Stehfest, S.M. Swain, H Valin, M van Wijk, H.H.E. van Zanten, S Vermeulen, J Vervoort, P West. Accelerating progress towards sustainable food system transitions. (2020). Nature Food.
11. Clark, M, M Springmann, J Hill, and D Tilman. Multiple health and environmental impacts of foods. (2019). PNAS.
10. Ray, D., P West, M Clark, J Gerber, and A Prishchepov. Climate change has likely already affected global food production. (2019). PLoSOne .
9. Hill, J, A Goodkind, C Tessum, S Thakrar, D Tilman, S Polasky, T Smith, N Hunt, K Mullins, M Clark, J Marshall. Air-quality related health damages of maize. (2019). Nature Sustainability.
8. Willett, W, J Rockström, B Loken, M Springmann, T Lang, S Vermeulen, T Garnett, D Tilman, F DeClerck, A Wood, M Jonell, M Clark, L Gordon, J Fanzo, C Hawkes, R Zurayk, J Rivera, W De Vries, L Sibanda, A Afshin, A Chaudhary, M Herrero, R Agustina, F Branco, A Lartey, S Fan, B Crona, E Fox, V Bignet, M Troell, T Lindahl, S Signh, S Cornell, K Reddy, S Narain, S Nishtar, C Murray. Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems. (2019). Lancet.
7. Clark, M., Hill, J. & Tilman, D. The Diet, Health, and Environment Trilemma. (2018). Annual Review of Environment and Resources.
6. Springmann, M. Clark, M, D M-D’Croz, K Weibe, B Bodirsky, L Lassaletta, W de Vries, S Vermeueln, M Herrero, K Carlson, M Jonell, M Troell, F DeClerck, L Gordon, R Zurayk, P Scarborough, M Rayner, B Loken, J Fanzo, H.C. Godfray, D Tilman, J Rockström, W Wilett. Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits. (2018). Nature.
5. Springmann, M, M Clark, W Willett. Feedlot diet for Americans that results from a misspecified optimization algorithm. (2018). PNAS.
4. Clark, M and D Tilman. Comparative analysis of environmental impacts of agricultural production systems, agricultural input efficiency, and food choice. (2017). Environmental Research Letters.
3. Tilman, D, M Clark, D Williams, K Kimmel, S Polasky, C Packer. Future threats to biodiversity and pathways to their prevention. (2017). Nature.
2. Tilman, D. and M Clark. Food, Agriculture and the Environment: Can We Feed the World & Save the Earth? (2015). Daedalus.
1. Tilman, D. and M Clark. Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. (2014). Nature.
Links to Programmes
Links to groups/projects/related sites
Operationalising Treasury Green Book Guidance on biodiversity