Programme Green Status of Species assessment resources

Here you can find links to the resources needed to produce a Programme Green Status of Species assessment.

By following the provided guidance, you will be able to assess the contribution of your species recovery programme to the global recovery of the focal species.

Resources for undertaking a Programme Green Status of Species assessment

Full guidelines for completing a Programme Green Status of Species Assessment

Programme Green Status of Species step by step summary

Blank example workbook to complete Programme Green Status assessment (contact for workbook tailored to your species assessment)

Feedback form to support development of this tool by informing us about your experience completing the assessment

Completed example workbook for assessing the contribution of the Round Island restoration programme’s contribution to the recovery of the Telfair’s skink.

Completed example workbook for assessing the contribution of the Baja California reintroduction programme to the recovery of the California Condor.

Image to the right: Contribution of the Round Island restoration programme to the global recovery of the Telfair’s skink.
