University of Oxford
11a Mansfield Rd
Prue Addison
Research Interests
Through my research, I spend a lot of my time working with decision-makers in government and business on conservation projects. I use interdisciplinary methods to understand stakeholders’ needs, and develop approaches to help improve the use of scientific evidence in their conservation projects. I frame a lot of my research using structured decision-making, which helps provide a rigorous process to guide stakeholders through complex environmental decisions. This involves a series of steps and a large toolbox of available techniques to help incorporate both scientific evidence and human values into decision making, acknowledging that environmental decision-making is not a value-free process.
Current Research
Prue is an ICCS Research Associate and is collaborating on a number of applied research projects through her role at Conservation Strategy Director at the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). Through her BBOWT role, Prue will be leading a team in the delivery of a range of exciting and innovative conservation programmes for wildlife in local British landscapes. Prior to this Prue was a NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellow who worked closely with multinational businesses, government agencies and NGOs bringing lessons from conservation science to help mainstream biodiversity in the private sector. Prue’s work focused on corporate biodiversity accountability in particular, helping businesses develop systems to measure, evaluate and report on their biodiversity performance. Please explore the Business and Biodiversity webpages to find out more about Prue’s Knowledge Exchange Fellowship.
Brief CV
Conservation Strategy Director at the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). 2019–current. Leading a team in the delivery of a range of exciting and innovative conservation programmes for wildlife in local British landscapes.
Knowledge Exchange Fellow, Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. 2016–2019. I worked closely with multinational businesses, government agencies and NGOs bringing lessons from conservation science to help mainstream biodiversity in the private sector. My work focused on corporate biodiversity accountability in particular, helping businesses develop systems to measure, evaluate and report on their biodiversity performance. I led the development of academic partnerships with businesses, government agencies and NGOs; undertook applied research projects with businesses, governments and NGOs; facilitated multi-stakeholder meetings & workshops; presented collaborative outputs at international workshops & conferences; and, wrote policy briefings & peer-review science papers.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Decision Scientist), Australian Institute of Marine Science. 2014–2015. I was a lead researcher developing decision-making tools to support the integration of scientific evidence into marine protected area management; lead facilitator for multi-stakeholder workshops; and, lead author of peer-review papers; and, presenter at international conservation conferences.
Doctor of Philosophy (2011–2014), the University of Melbourne, Australia. Thesis title: Targeting the science–management interface: Improving the use of long-term monitoring for conservation management.
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Learning and Leadership (2011–2012), the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Marine Scientist, Environment Agency and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK. 2008–2010. Responsible for developing quality assurance protocols for national marine biological monitoring programs conducted by UK government agencies.
Marine Ecologist, Museum Victoria. 2005–2007. Research project: Monitoring and Assessment of Victoria’s Rocky Intertidal Coast (MAVRIC). Responsible for designing and coordinating marine ecological research projects investigating biodiversity patterns along Victoria’s rocky intertidal coastline.
Marine Environmental Consultant, Consulting Environmental Engineers. 2003–2005. Responsible for designing and conducting marine environmental impact surveys, conducting data analysis and report writing.
Bachelor of Science with Honours (1999–2003), the University of Melbourne, Australia. Thesis title: The effect of the presence of complexing agents on the toxicity of copper to marine sessile invertebrate assemblages.
Education Officer, Melbourne Aquarium. 2001–2004. Responsible for teaching educational programs to primary and secondary school groups and delivering public presentations about the marine environment.
University of Oxford MPLS Division Social Impact Award for Prue’s work to translate research on biodiversity measurement and management, and support more responsible business practice (2019). Read more about the award and Prue’s work with businesses here.
University of Oxford Award for Excellence for early career researcher leadership in establishing and leading the Department of Zoology Early Career Researchers Network (2017).
Valuing Nature Business Impact School scholarship recipient (2016). Attended the VNBIS, which brought together early career scientists and business representatives, who share a common interest in valuing nature both for its’ intrinsic environmental value and to understand its’ benefits to business, government and broader society. See my blog about this.
NERP Marine Biodiversity Research Hub research PhD scholarship recipient (2012–2014)
Parks Victoria Research Partners Panel research PhD scholarship recipient (2011–2014)
Wentworth Group Science Program scholar (2013). Attended the science leaders program designed to enhance the ability of post-graduate students, scientists, lawyers and economists to engage in public policy on the future of our land, water, coasts and biodiversity.
Go8-C9 Student Leadership in International Cooperation Project student ambassador (2013). Represented the University of Melbourne and the Australian Group of Eight Universities to undertake a two-week visit to C9 universities in China. The objective of this program was to develop proposals and ideas for cooperation between Australian and Chinese universities with the aim of promoting opportunities for outbound student mobility from Australia.
Membership and Committees
Member of the British Ecological Society, Society for Conservation Biology and Australian Marine Science Association.
Committee member of:
Department of Zoology Early Career Researchers Network chair (2016-2017) and committee member (2017 – 2018).
Society for Conservation Biology Marine Policy committee member (2017 – current). Supporting the committee in supporting and providing opportunities for our members.
Australian Marine Science Association Victoria branch president (2012-2015) and committee member (2005 – 2007; 2010 – 2015). Responsible for leading a committee dedicated to organising conferences and meetings for our professional marine science members, and public events.
Victorian Marine Roundtable committee. 2013–2015. Discuss and disseminate the latest marine scientific research, and marine policy and management developments in Victoria, Australia.
Reef Watch Victoria board member (2012–2015). Assisted with the strategic direction of this citizen science program.
National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control scheme, United Kingdom, committee member and technical secretary (2008 – 2010)
McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mitchell, I., Vina-Herbon, C., Bedford, J., Addison, P., Lynam, C.P., PN, G., Vermeulen, E., Smith, K., Bayley, D.T.I. and Morris-Webb, E., 2019. From science to evidence–how biodiversity indicators can be used for effective marine conservation policy and management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, p.109.
Cvitanovic, C., Howden, M., Colvin, R.M., Norström, A., Meadow, A.M. and Addison, P.F.E. 2019. Maximising the benefits of participatory climate adaptation research by understanding and managing the associated challenges and risks. Environmental Science & Policy. 94, pp.20-31.
Feger, C., Mermet, L., Vira, B., Addison, P.F.E., Barker, R., Birkin, F., Burns, J., Cooper, S., Couvet, D., Cuckston, T., Daily, G.C., Dey, C., Gallagher, L., Hails, R., Jollands, S., Mace, G., Mckenzie, E., Milne, M., Quattrone, P., Rambaud, A., Russell, S., Santamaria, M. and Sutherland, W.J. 2018. Four priorities for new links between conservation science and accounting research. Conservation Biology.
Bal, P., A. Tulloch, P. F. E Addison, E. McDonald-Madden and J. R. Rhodes. 2018. Selecting indicator species for biodiversity management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Addison, P. F. E., J. W. Bull, and E. J. Milner-Gulland. 2018. Using conservation science to advance corporate biodiversity accountability. Conservation Biology.
Addison, P. F. E., and J. W. Bull. 2018. Conservation accord: Corporate incentives. Science 360:1195-1196.
Burgass, M. J., Arlidge, W. N. S., Addison, P. F. E., 2018. Overstating the value of the IUCN red list for business decision‐making. Conservation Letters,
Arlidge, W.N.S., Bull, J.W., Addison, P.F.E., Burgass, M.J., Gianuca, D., Gorham, T.M., Jacob, C., Lloyd, S.P., Shumway, N., Watson, J.E.M., Wilcox, C., Milner-Gulland, E.J., 2018. A global mitigation hierarchy for nature conservation. Bioscience,
Bednarek, A. T., Wyborn, C., Cvitanovic, C., Meyer, R., Colvin, R. M., Addison, P. F. E., Close, S. L., et al. 2018. Boundary spanning at the science–policy interface: the practitioners’ perspectives. Sustainability Science:
Addison, P. F. E., Collins, D.J., Trebilco, R., Howe, S., Bax, N., Hedge, P., Jones, G., Miloslavich, P., Roelfsema, C., Sams, M., Stuart-Smith, R.D., Scanes, P., von Baumgarten, P., McQuatters-Gollop, A. (2017) A new wave of marine evidence-based management: emerging challenges and solutions to transform monitoring, evaluating and reporting. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx216
de Bie, K, Addison, P.F.E., Cook, C.N. (2017) Integrating decision triggers into conservation management practice. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.1304
Rose DC, Addison P, Ausden M, Bennun L, Mills C, O’Donnell SAL, Parker C, Ryan M, Weatherdon L, Despot-Belmonte K, Sutherland WJ, Robertson RJ (2017) Decision support tools in conservation: a workshop to improve user-centred design. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e21074.
Keeler, B. L. , R. Chaplin-Kramer, A. Guerry, P. F. E. Addison, C. Bettigole, I. C. Burke, B. Gentry, L. Chambliss, C. Young, A. J. Travis, C. T. Darimont, D. R. Gordon, J. Hellmann, P. Kareiva, S. Monfort, L. Olander, T. Profeta, H. P. Possingham, C. Slotterback, E. Sterling, T. Ticktin, and B. Vira. (2017) Society Is Ready for a New Kind of Science—Is Academia?, Bioscience. 67, 591–592.
For a full list of publications (pre 2017), please see my website.
Conferences and workshops
Addison, P. (2018) The business of biodiversity – a conservation scientists insights. Conservation Geopolitics Forum. Oxford, UK.
Addison, P. (2018) The business of biodiversity – a tale that brings conservation science and multinational corporations together through knowledge exchange. Zoology Department, University of Oxford, UK.
Addison, P. (2018) The science behind biodiversity loss and the fashion industry. Invited keynote address at the launch of Synchronicity Earth’s Fabric of Life series, London, U.K.
Addison, P. (2018) Advancing corporate biodiversity accountability. An invited presentation at the University of Tasmania & CSIRO, Hobart, Australia.
Addison, P. (2018) Academic – business partnerships to tackle environmental challenges. An invited presentation and panel member at the Australia National University’s public seminar “When Science Changes Society: When and How Research has Impact”, Canberra, Australia.
Addison, P. (2018) Business & Biodiversity. An invited presentation in “The Corporation and the Environment”, Said Business School MBA module, University of Oxford, U.K.
Addison, P. (2018) Integrating biodiversity indicators and decision triggers into conservation management. International Marine Conservation Congress Symposium: From science to evidence – innovative uses of biodiversity indicators for effective marine policy and conservation. Kuching, Malaysia.
Addison, P. (2018) The role of science in evidence-informed marine management. IMBeR workshop: Building the capacity of EU early career marine researchers to operate effectively at the science-policy-society interface. Lošinj, Croatia.
Addison, P. (2018) Conservation science, business and biodiversity. A lead presentation as part of the Zoology Department Showcasing Zoology Knowledge Exchange, University of Oxford, U.K.
Addison, P. (2018) Bringing lessons from conservation science to help mainstream biodiversity in the private sector. An invited presentation delivered at the Biodiversity and business linkages workshop, London, U.K.
Addison, P. (2018) Conservation science, business and biodiversity. An invited presentation delivered within the Joint Nature Conservation Committee Science Talks Series, U.K. Webinar available here.
Addison, P. (2017) Engaging with business to revolutionize biodiversity conservation. Presented at a special Business and Biodiversity session (organised by Prue Addison and Joe Bull) at the 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Cartagena, Colombia
Addison, P. (2017) Decision triggers for evidence-based conservation management. An invited webinar for the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. Webinar is available here.
Addison, P. (2016) International biodiversity targets and their relevance to business. An invited presentation delivered at the Convention for Biological Diversity COP13 Business and Biodiversity Forum, Cancun, Mexico.
Addison, P. (2016) Managing for successful engagements: an academic perspective. An invited presentation delivered in the session “Multi-stakeholder dialogue on corporate biodiversity measurement and reporting” at the World Conservation Congress, Honalulu, Hawaii
Addison, P. (2016) Lessons from businesses working to achieve corporate level NNL of biodiversity. An invited presentation at the No Net Loss of Marine Biodiversity symposium at the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Addison, P. (2016) Structured decision-making to address conservation challenges. An invited presentation at Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
See my website for a full list of conferences attended and workshops held.